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Who invented it?

Not us, but the idea and the possibilities are diverse!

Order is important! For us, the practical is always an issue. The thing that always particularly annoyed us was the handling of the sink cover cutting board, which always has to be stowed away while driving. The board mostly ended up in bed under the covers. Did we wash up, or cook it, was it back on the bed or wandered from A to B. We had a similar problem with drinks or shoes. No matter where they were, they were always in the way. Then they were stowed away according to the motto: "Out of sight, out of mind". With the utensil clamping system, we have found a quick, inexpensive and, as we think, stylish solution to the annoying problems. Especially during the journey everything stays fixed and has a permanent place in the caravan.

Nice holder for light things. To be attached anywhere, as you can determine the size and shape yourself.

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